<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Secure Your Bottom Line
Our portal makes managing risks easy by putting information directly into your hands. Create a free account to begin tracking USDA market positions in real-time, or request a quote for a policy that meets your needs.
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) is a USDA-administered insurance program designed to secure your bottom line against today’s volatile market. Its flexible coverage options make it a viable risk management solution for operations of all sizes and production stages, without breaking the bank.
No Minimum Headcount
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Premium Due After Animals Marketed
Livestock Risk Protection Overview
What is the difference between LGM and LRP?
Whereas LGM covers the price of the gross margin per head, LRP uses the Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s contract prices to insure the price of sold livestock. While LRP is typically a better fit for cow-calf operations, LGM is the preferred option for most feedlot operations.